Training interviewers for 24hr recall

May 14, 2013

Nutrition is a big part of the RODAM project, which is led by the team in Berlin. All participants of RODAM fill in a Ghana Specific Food Frequency Questionnaire. This is a questionnaire asking the average frequency of consumption for a list of food items. In order to validate the Food Frequency Questionnaire, 24hr recalls will be performed among a subsample of the participants; 100 per site. A 24hr recall is a retrospective dietary assessment methods asking the participant in detail about the foods consumed during the previous 24 hours. Portion sizes are estimated using example dishes from a standardized kit. Four interviewers were trained at the University of Amsterdam for performing these interviews.

The RODAM study was supported by the European Commission under the Framework Programme (Grant Number: 278901), 
 the European Research Council (Grant Number: 772244) and the Amsterdam UMC.