Successful RODAM dissemination during African Diabetes Congress

February 28, 2014

The RODAM dissemination group organised a symposium during the second African Diabetes Congress held in Yaoundé, Cameroun which was chaired by Dr. Charles Agyemang. During the symposium preliminary RODAM findings were presented by Prof. Ama de Graft-Aikins and Karlijn Meeks. It was highly attend and very relevant questions were posed. For the first time the health of migrants is being taken very seriously at this high level. The RODAM nutrition was accepted to be presented as a poster by Dr. Cecilia Galbete. Apart from that RODAM was presented as one of the major studies currently ongoing in Africa. The presentation was done by Dr. Charles Agyemang and very well attended as well. In short, RODAM is making a huge impact on diabetes in the African continent.

The RODAM study was supported by the European Commission under the Framework Programme (Grant Number: 278901), 
 the European Research Council (Grant Number: 772244) and the Amsterdam UMC.